Friday, January 21, 2011


Can anyone send me a 1970 Yearbook? I'll continue updating and improving this website, but I have no yearbook. I would mail back, or bring with me to the reunion...someone, help -this site could be so much better with some photos from our past. Someone please step up and I'll send you my address. Thanks! -wayne


  1. wayne
    send me your address and i will send mine
    or do you want me to scan it?
    steve the groundskeeper

  2. rsmfreepub@gmail.comJanuary 22, 2011 at 4:21 PM

    are you getting what you want from me in the yearbook scands?
    then shut upo@#$%^&*()
    just kiddding

  3. Well I have some pictures I took at the 30th reunion. You may need permission to post but I am sure that is no problemo. There are some poolsharks and lounge lizards plus some from the ice breaker Friday night at Good Time Charlies. Where do I send them? LC

  4. BTW The site looks fabulous so far! Good job Wayne! Love the wallpaper. LC

  5. Hi, Linda
    Thanks for the offer. (I really don't want to deal with getting permission -I could go to jail for the rest of my life with most of the postings) so, just send me the ones you're ok to post. You can either email them -simple-or snailmail to dusty / 1122 e. jefferson st. Boise, ID 83712. It's all just for fun -Carey is sending me the yearbook. Thanks, see you soon- Wayne

  6. Steve the groundsjeeperFebruary 3, 2011 at 2:05 PM

    Does anyone have Diviao, Bush, Sonnenshein or Jenny Clark address
    they all,l came back NSA

  7. Hey Wayne,
    I have located most of the pics, and will send them to you snailmail. I am still trying to master the computer upload/download thingey. The few on my old PC may have to go email so look for both. Let's see if I can figure it out! My cousin Lori gave me a great blk/wht 1969 march maddness pic taken at jill steinman's Blawnberg livingroom. I think everyone was still pretty angelic...peter holnback is giving a hidden salute(you have to look close). Such a cutie-paa-tootie! Thanks for all you do. LC

  8. Thanks, everyone! Carey Hoover sent me hers - Thank you Carey - I'll get on pulling some flattering shots of you - long before you were a "Hoover".
